Care2 and ASPCA are sponsoring America's Favorite Animal Shelter Contest. Wouldn't it be cool if a Greyhound Group won! It would be fantastic publicity for all greyhound groups. Now I realize it is totally presumptuous of me to ask people to vote for the group my dogs come from when there are so many groups for all breeds and species doing great work out there. But I will anyway LOL. Seriously, vote for what ever animal shelter you like, but keep in mind if we unite behind one group then a greyhound group has a better chance of winning.
Here is a link to vote for GPA/Nashville
If you want to hunt for your own favorite group you can do so here.
Thanks very much for tolerating my shameless plugs for Greyhound adoption as of late. Stories of Ricky and Kassa and friends will be back next weekend :).
You got my vote! I agree, getting one Greyhound group through would be awesome publicity!
I think this is a wonderful idea and I'm off to vote for your group now:) Good luck.
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