Finally.. A reprieve from the rain.. Normally would seize the opportunity and head to a trail or a ball park however Kassa really needed his nails trimmed so we headed to a GPA meet and greet instead. Kassa was a very good boy. He didn't snap at the oncoming poodle whos owner decided to let charge through the pack. People who saw Kassa at the meet and greets before we got him were impressed at how relaxed he was. He even spontaneously sat. I have never been able to coax him to do that before but BINGO.. he just got tired of standing. People were generally impressed, I'd say, so they snapped a picture for the email group.
After Kassa gets tuckered out he just takes a little down time. The wet muddy grass was no deterrent.
Sunday morning we had rain (and we went for our hour walk anyway) but it broke mid afternoon. That means BALL PARK. It always starts out with a good run then into fetch. That's right Fetch. He is bringing the ball back and dropping it at my feet now.
So this provides a good opportunity to work on "Come". At this point I am far more concerned about function than form. I call he comes, I'm Happy.
And now its time to go home. Although Kassa is often eager to go to the park he is more hesitant to come home. This means a little more coaxing to get him into the cab of the truck. We have a system down now though. If you notice the red tie-down attached to the handle can be used to pull the door shut behind him. This is after I scoop his bum with the other hand to make sure his tail is clear. I usually only take Kassa on short trips in the truck and I drive like a little old lady.
This morning I noticed that the pads on his instep were warn down. Any advice would be appreciated.